Good Governance, Leadership & Influential Skills Masterclass

Strategic Leadership Management Masterclass
January 9, 2023
Advanced Corporate Governance & Board Development Masterclass
January 9, 2023

Good Governance, Leadership & Influential Skills Masterclass

Dates -: 13th - 17th March 2023
Location -: London - UK

Good governance concerns the proper exercise of power by different groups-directors, shareholders, and other stakeholders such as customers, employees, governments, neighbours, regulators, and suppliers. It is concerned with disclosure and transparency: accountability: culture: internal control: avoiding the concentration of power in too few hands: doing business both legally and in the right way; and the ethical handling of conflicts of interest and duty as they arise.

All organisations across all sectors - not just For - Profit businesses - need to reflect on their role in society at large and conduct their activities in a way which demonstrates their genuine realisation that they should not conduct those activities in a vacuum.

This programme will address these issues in a practical way, with a balance of presentations and case studies; and provide delegates with the means to apply insightful, proportionate and high-quality governance in their organizations.

  • Understand the Roles, Responsibilities and Duties of a Board.
  • Discus Board Formal Offices. Composition and Structure.
  • Learn about Board Instruments, Tools and Procedures.
  • Discuss how to run effective Board Meetings.
  • Study the Board Governance Framework.
  • Understand The Good governance Perspective in current market scenario.
  • Identify the Board Electiveness Challenges.
  • Know about advanced Band Evaluation Practice.
  • Understand the importance of compliance culture and implementation of compliance policies.
  • Learn key concepts in order to mitigate fraud and other compliance risks.
  • Define the role of key players and corporate governance in implementing compliance frameworks.
  • Identify and discuss emerging compliance issues and trends.
  • Explain the benefits and riska of reacting Round Evaluations.
  • Describe how the Board Evaluation process is conducted.
  • Gain a thorough understanding of see management leadership & influential skills.
  • Be better equipped to understand the expectations of the stakeholders.
  • Be able to implement the principles of good governance and internal controls.
  • Assist the organization to identify and properly treat its risks.

This training course is designed for all participants at the Boardroom, namely:

  • Chairs, Committee Chairs
  • Board Members, Committee Members
  • Board Secretaries. Company Secretary
  • CEOS, MD, President, Executive Directors and Senior Management
  • Officers-in-Charge of the Governance framework within the organisation
  • Internal Auditor, Compliance Head, Risk Head
  • Senior Management / Management Team
  • Internal and External Auditors
  • Chief Risk Officer, Senior Risk Managers, Risk Management team
  • Chief Compliance Officer, Senior Compliance Managers, Compliance team
  • Chief Legal Officer, legal team
  • COO and Operations Executives

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