Advanced GRC, ERM & ESG Masterclass 2023

Advanced Corporate Governance & Board Development Masterclass
January 9, 2023
Advanced Enterprise Risk Management Masterclass 2023
March 13, 2023

Advanced GRC, ERM & ESG Masterclass 2023

Dates -: May 2023
Location -: Singapore

This masterclass will equip delegates with the elements to identify the key elements of governance, corporate culture, ethics and integrity. The Four-day training will encourage knowledge sharing, collaboration and business excellence through adopting good governance tools. Breaking down silos, enhancing employee engagement and developing the corporate culture is vital for businesses who want to perform at the highest levels and protect employee churn and a great corporate brand.

Businesses which operate with a corporate culture of collaboration and ethics will perform better than their competitors in the medium to long term and help to avoid corporate failure and major fraud.

The workshop will also enable delegates to perform at optimal levels and strive towards business excellence through integrity.

  • Understand the Roles, Responsibilities and Duties of a Board.
  • Discus Board Formal Offices. Composition and Structure.
  • Learn about Board Instruments, Tools and Procedures.
  • Discuss how to run effective Board Meetings.
  • Study the Board Governance Framework.
  • Understand The Good governance Perspective in current market scenario.
  • Identify the Board Electiveness Challenges.
  • Know about advanced Band Evaluation Practice.
  • Understand the importance of compliance culture and implementation of compliance policies.
  • Learn key concepts in order to mitigate fraud and other compliance risks.
  • Define the role of key players and corporate governance in implementing compliance frameworks.
  • Identify and discuss emerging compliance issues and trends.
  • Explain the benefits and riska of reacting Round Evaluations.
  • Describe how the Board Evaluation process is conducted.
  • Gain a thorough understanding of see management leadership & influential skills.
  • Be better equipped to understand the expectations of the stakeholders.
  • Be able to implement the principles of good governance and internal controls.
  • Assist the organization to identify and properly treat its risks.

This training course is designed for all participants at the Boardroom, namely:

  • Chairs, Committee Chairs
  • Board Members, Committee Members
  • Board Secretaries. Company Secretary
  • CEOS, MD, President, Executive Directors and Senior Management
  • Officers-in-Charge of the Governance framework within the organisation
  • Internal Auditor, Compliance Head, Risk Head
  • Senior Management / Management Team
  • Internal and External Auditors
  • Chief Risk Officer, Senior Risk Managers, Risk Management team
  • Chief Compliance Officer, Senior Compliance Managers, Compliance team
  • Chief Legal Officer, legal team
  • COO and Operations Executives

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